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Any financial resolutions for 2019?


New member
For 2019 I'm going to get a better handle on my financial life. Its not that I don't pay attention to things now, its that I need to become more proactive with actions.

- Don't pay too much attention to short term swings of the crazy stock markets.
- Find areas where I am wasting money, and come up with a list of solutions and changes. Then stick by it.
- Declutter my life and get better organized. This will help with my 5 year goal to move out to a very rural area, and live a simpler life. I'm tired of the hustle and bustle.
I resolved to:
1. Recycle and re-purpose (this has greatly reduce the amount of waste I produce, and has also increased my savings)
2. Purchase only things that are absolutely necessary (since I've been freelancing and working from home, I gave away some of my more "uppity" but uncomfortable clothes. I don't plan on buying more clothes until absolutely necessary)
3. Read more about Economics and Finance (this has by far been the best resolution; I'm happy to have realized that there's so much to learn. Currently reading: Professor Mankiw's Principles of Macroeconomics
4. Use my cycle for running errands and traveling as much as possible