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Worth fighting a speeding ticket?

Frugal Wallet

New member
I got a speeding ticket for doing 65 in a 45, but I wasn't going that fast, it was the car gaining behind me going that fast. If I pay it and admit guilt my insurance rates will go up. How do I fight the ticket, and do I stand any chance of winning? The officer flat out wouldn't listen to me, said it was definitely me going that fast!
It won't hurt to fight it unless its a small corrupt town. Maybe you'll luck out and the cop doesn't show up. They drop the ticket when that happens because the only witness against you isn't there.
Sometimes just showing up to fight it will result in the prosecutor offering to lower the ticket, or change it to a non-moving violation. They just want the money, they don't want you to fight it. So talk to the prosecutor before hand to see if you can work it out.