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What to look for in renter's insurance?


New member
I am trying to help my niece find her first place. Her and two friends are looking at houses they can rent together. I told her she should get renter's insurance and then asked what was covered and I didn't know how to respond. What are things to look for in renter's insurance to make sure you are covered?
You want to make sure everything you own is covered and will be covered. Some places do not cover appliances because most rental homes and apartments come with them. If you supply them yourself, it is best to make sure they are covered. Most renter's insurance is around $25 a month for coverage.
Make sure everything is covered, even pets if they have any. I know that sounds odd but some places will only cover your items up to a certain price and then everything else is left in the dust.
You want to make sure everything you own is covered and will be covered. Some places do not cover appliances because most rental homes and apartments come with them. If you supply them yourself, it is best to make sure they are covered. Most renter's insurance is around $25 a month for coverage.

This. A lot of places take advantage of people who are new to renting or first time renters too. It is good to go in letting them know you know what you are talking about.
I never used it to know. Even when I was renting, I just winged it. I had no idea it was recommended and in some cases required.
Did you ever help them find a good company? I am curious because someone I know was asking about this and I wanted to make a few recommendations myself.
I am not up to speed with cover and regulations stateside but in the UK it pays to shop around and work out how much cover they need for possessions.

The only things they will need to cover is what they take with you when they move.

Fixtures and fittings and the building itself should be the responsibility of the landlord.

They may want to look into cover outside home as well, as especially if they take gadgets or laptops away from home.

Itemise what they have. Try to speak to someone either face to face, on the phone or live chat online so you can ask the right questions.

After getting about 3 or 4 quotes you'll get the gist of how much you should pay.

Do you have 'excess' in the US? If not don't worry, if you do try to get the lowest possible as the discounts are not worth it. Better to get the most back from a claim.