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Walmart is going down the potty big time for me...


New member
I have been waiting nearly 2 weeks for something I ordered and every time I check the arrival date, it moves back. What happened to 2 day shipping? Seriously, is it gone?

Not only that but the prices seem to be going up on EVERYTHING! I told my mother today that she needs to shop at Target. She shops online at Walmart for everything because it was always cheap well, now they are screwing people over like her. Target is officially cheaper online!
I think it might be due to online sales this year being much higher than they thought it would be. Out of 6 UPS shipments from Walmart, Jet and Amazon 3 of them were rescheduled for a later delivery day. And one of them didn't arrive until 7:30 at night!
I don't care for Walmart online and their shipping. With Prime I get free shipping all the time, with Walmart I have to meet the minimum. Plus with Amazon if something shows up late I can get a credit on my account or a month of prime free. With Walmart, I get a half-ass automated apology. Funny thing is Walmart owns jet.com and I love Jet!
Prime, Target, Jet, eBay, ect are all far better options anyways. I would just go on strike from them for a while. I think a lot of people are. Once they see they are losing money they will maybe show signs of caring.
So many people are complaining yet very few stay away long enough for anything to be done. People need to just suck it up and show somewhere else for just one month and I know it will make them lose a lot of money. They will be forced to change.
I only buy a few things from them anymore online. It is cheaper at Target and Amazon to get what I need. Walmart is a joke anymore. They claim to be cheap and easy but you pay the cost in headaches.