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The financial drag of large dogs

Poor Me

New member
Unless you need it for home protection I don't see the reason for getting a large dog when a smaller one can give you the same companionship, loyalty and love. A friend of mine has a huge dog that eats as much in a week as mine eats in a month. I estimate he's paying a couple thousand per year in food, chew toys it goes through, and so on. Animals can be costly and I don't think many people stop to consider this before getting one.

I'll keep my small dog! They live longer too.
I have a semi-lap sizes dog. Big enough to actually be a dog instead of a toy like a poodle or weenie dog, but not so big that it eats like a horse!
Purebred dogs, while nice to have, tend to have more health problems than mutts. Its due to less genetic diversity. So consider a rescue dog from the pound. Not only are you saving a dog's life, but it will cost you less in the long run too.