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That time of year again!

Amy G

New member
I'm already getting calls from relatives and friends asking me what my summer plans are so I better get myself going and start planning something. Mainly so I can say I already have plans so I won't have to visit. No I am not mean just worn out this year and don't want to deal with anyone's drama especially family drama.

So, I have my short list either going on a cruise, or a riverboat trip on the Mississippi river. I don't know much, well nothing really, about planning for either so I could use some tips to save money.

I think a cruise to Mexico would be fun, but then again stopping by towns along the river would give me a chance to visit several places in the USA. I have a friend from France who always says Americans don't travel the world much, but with as big as the US there are so many diverse things and cultures across the country. I think Cajun exposure would be cool, and the food... OMG!

But I hear Mexico beaches are wonderful, the food is great and there are lots of things to without spending too much money when the ship goes to port.

So.... help me out!
I have had my fair share of family drama the last few years so I get it! Needing a break now and then is healthy for any relationship.

I would say to research anything you want to do and research pricing for the month you plan on going. A lot of prices change month to month and so do packages (like cruises).
I actually considered doing this with my husband. Every year we have a family reunion in August and the last few years have just been more trouble than they have been worth. We have to drive 2 hours, then spend a weekend on the middle of nowhere. Maybe we will happen to be out of town this year... lol