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Target stepping up their game!


New member
I have not ordered form Target online in awhile but I am blown away by how they have improved their packaging. My order came in the mail today and each item was wrapped or placed into its own plastic baggy. This way if anything did spill or break, I wouldn't have a mess. Nothing did and it was all packaged so well, I am just surprised. Maybe they heard about Walmart and they are trying to one-up them.
Target's CEO recently said they weren't worried about Amazon and the retail slaughter going on, because they've been improving both online and offline. Target doesn't go for the lowest price unlike Walmart. They go for value, better products with better quality at a decent price. I'm not surprised they packed it well, they pack by hand.

Much of the time when I get something from Amazon they'll have the product lose in a box - so far no breaks but it will eventually happen. Its like they either are in a massive rush, don't care, or don't bother to look in the box their machines automatically place the item into.
Yeah Amazon is bad. I have not had a single package that was packaged well from them and very few from Walmart. Target I have only had one issue with and I think that was down to someone just being crappy at their job. I appreciate my items being packaged well with care.
YUP! I noticed this in a big way. I am boycotted Walmart for awhile until they drop their prices and fix their horrific shipping.
I noticed some issues depending on where items are coming from. I ordered a few things together and it showed they would be delivered separate which is why I did the order. They arrived in one large box and many items were damaged. I am sure this happens a lot less than it does at Walmart.
I recently went to my local Target after not going there for a good 9 years and WOW! The store is so much cleaner and nicer than I remember. I think they are getting more sales and money. I was surprised.