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Steps to financial freedom


New member
These are some of the things I've done to help achieve financial freedom, control my money rather than having it control me and worry a lot less:

1. Took at look at Internet, TV and phone bills, decided what I really needed, the minimum Internet speed I need for HD video streaming. I cut my those monthly bills about 30% and I have zero impact to my lifestyle.

2. Increased my 401K contribution in baby steps. First I increased it by 1% for 6 months. After I was used to this, I increased it another 1% for another 6 months. I'm about to increase it again.

3. Shopped around for lower rates on my car insurance. Also, after I had some money set aside I no longer needed to pay it monthly, so I saved interest charges by paying in full every 6 months.

4. Every time a light bulb burnt out I replaced it with an LED bulb.

5. Have a written budget. This should be #1 on the list actually because its the most important thing! If you don't know where your money is going you can't control it.

6. I used coupons at stores. Online I use ebates.
These are some good tips. A lot of people forget about internet/cable bills. I decided to do away with my cable so I can get better internet. I hardly watched TV and I have a smart TV with Netflix so no need for cable anyways. Anything else I can find online and watch. I ended up saving $35 a month just doing that.
Compare, compare, compare. Don't assume that because its a place that is usually cheaper that its going to be cheaper on everything. Yesterday I was looking at getting some shop towels at Amazon last night, and checked Walmart.com --- they were 60% less!
Don't increase your spending habits if you get a raise at work. Use it instead to pay off debt and increase savings.
Keeping a budget is something I wish I learned to do in my teens! I look back with such regret. My first job, I earned around $25,000 in total and had I been more budget aware, I would have likely been able to save over half that!!
I actually started looking for better insurance that was better for my budget and I am quite shocked by my results. It turns out, I can be paying $30 less a month with slightly better coverage. I am going to switch soon as this 3 month cycle is up.