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Should I report a bad chat person?


New member
I needed help with an order from this online office supplies place. It seemed my order had got lost or dropped off at the wrong address. Well, I got into a chat support for help since their phone line seemed to be down. The person I was talking to seemed fine at first and then I explained my issue and they got rude with me. When I pointed out they were being rude, they called me a liar and left the chat. My package did end up showing up today. The UPS man said it was at the wrong house. Should I report this person or just let it go?
Normally I would say yes report them but a couple of days have gone by so it's probably not going to result in anything done to that person now if you do report it.
It isn't worth it and likely nothing will come of it. You found out what happened. I mean if you are worried they will be rude to someone else, chances are if they have been, they were fired by now.
It isn't worth it and likely nothing will come of it. You found out what happened. I mean if you are worried they will be rude to someone else, chances are if they have been, they were fired by now.

I agree with this. They will get complaints on their account so I am sure it will be handled. There are a lot of people online who shop and don't put up with this stuff.
I would have reported them right after the fact. You waited too long and they likely would not have gotten in trouble for it. Most chat support people work over seas for such a low cost that I don't even think something would have happened if you did complain right after.