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Selling used items to pay off debt?


New member
Someone I know is attempting something. She has a fair amount of debt racked up and a lot of junk to show for it. She decided starting in the new year, she was going to go through everything be it decor, clothes, kitchenware, ect and just sell 50% of what she owns. She is going to do this on eBay and for larger stuff, on Craigslist.

He goal is to make enough to pay off most of her debt. She has A LOT of things too mostly in good condition as well. Anyone ever try something like this? I guess it is like doing an online garage sale of sorts.
I have a friend who did this simplify his life, cut expenses and pay off debt. He joined a minimalist group and they gave him an idea for a big start. He packed everything in his home like he was moving. I mean everything! Then over the next month as he needed something you unpack it. Like a pot, silverware, a few plates, cups, toiletries, clothes and so on.

Doing this sort of thing like he did, at the end of the month you'll know you really need in your life, and you can sell the rest.
Someone who lived near my mom's, I think she was 32 at the time. Well she caught her husband cheating and instead of keeping the house, she sold it and she sold everything in it. When I mean everything, I mean everything she could. The rest she donated. She ended up walking away from the divorce with nearly $800,000 to start her new life. She moved away and bought a very small home for like $90,000 out in the country. Last I heard she was very happy.

So yeah it can be great for your pocket and your mind to get rid of things you don't need.
Someone who lived near my mom's, I think she was 32 at the time. Well she caught her husband cheating and instead of keeping the house, she sold it and she sold everything in it. When I mean everything, I mean everything she could. The rest she donated. She ended up walking away from the divorce with nearly $800,000 to start her new life. She moved away and bought a very small home for like $90,000 out in the country. Last I heard she was very happy.

So yeah it can be great for your pocket and your mind to get rid of things you don't need.

That is the way to go in this kind of circumstance. Very smart move of her.

As for the OP, yes I think it is a great idea. You not only get rid of clutter but get back money to get rid of debt with.
I have considered this myself but I have no clue how ebay even works to attempt it. I read about the idea in a frugal living book actually.