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Rewards programs worth getting?


New member
I am not someone who travels a lot but my brother is. He travels for work. He is trying to cut back since going through a divorce and trying to save every penny he can. Does anyone know of any airline reward programs that are worth it for people who travel in the US?
I would get a credit card like a Capital One Rewards card which gives airline miles. You're not stuck with one airline over another and can pick which to fly.
Yeah don't go with any cards that force you to only stick with one airline. They tend to give better discounts but the prices of the flights are always higher to begin with.
Certain credit cards have really good rewards but it all depends on how much you travel and where you travel. You also have to be using the card too. Just have to be careful!
I had one years ago. They are a lot different now. They have all these rules you have to follow and things you have to do or you don't get any rewards. Not worth it to me.