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Plans for your tax returns?


New member
Anyone have any plans on what they will be doing with their returns yet?

I told myself I will put away 70% of it and then use the other 30% to treat myself to something I want. Not sure what to get just yet.
I will likely just put it away in my emergency cash stash. I am trying to get that up to 6 grand. It helps to have at least 3 months worth of money to live on.
We're getting back virtually nothing, and we planned it that way so Uncle Sam wouldn't get a year long loan from us. Its going to go into our general saving account.
I don't get much myself. What I do get, I usually use for home repairs. I don't like letting things slide too much. I will do small repairs every year.
I am going to stock up on loads of groceries and get myself some new summer clothes. The rest will be put into savings. I don't spend much on clothes but I am due for some new stuff.
I was going to save most of my return and just get a few things for the yard but I decided I am going to use it for a deck. I have wanted a decent size deck off the back of my house forever now and I will have enough to get one build for me, finally!
I have yet to use mine. I am not sure what I want to do with it yet. Part of me wants to get things for the house (new stove for example) and the other part of me would rather save it.