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Picking a good CPA

Long Journey

New member
The CPA I've been using for years for my taxes I'm getting sick and tired of. They are not proactive and I have to constantly follow-up with them or I end up waiting weeks before hearing from them. For instance last year I gave them some documents they requested in June. Life was busy so I forgot to follow-up and I didn't hear from them until 2 weeks before the October 15th ended deadline. It put me in a big rush.

I don't want a single CPA operation and want to work with a company that is organized and has plenty of resources. But I don't want to pay an arm and a leg for it either. Where is the best place to research CPAs, ratings and actual customer feedback? Yelp?
Check with the The American Institute of CPAs and the National Society of Accountants, get one certified by either. You want a firm with a couple of CPAs (at least) with 15+ years experience, mid-level and junior level. Basically a good half dozen or more accountants. This way the highly experienced guys spend time with you giving you the financial tax advice you need, and don't waste their time doing paperwork. They let the junior folks do that! Ask for references, and pay very careful attention to ratings. If they have a tax attorney on staff that's even better!