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Payment plans for furniture?


New member
I am in need of a new set. I was watching a friend puppy for the last 5 days while her and her husband were out of town. He got out of his crate and tore up my sofa and recliner. They are a mess. I taped what I could and covered them with sheets for the time being. I don't have the money to pay cash but I am considering doing one of those payment places where I get the furniture for little down and pay over several months till it is paid off.

Anyone know how these work and if this is a good idea? I don't want to be in huge debt over something like this.
Consider some of the independent furniture stores. They will usually negotiate on price and most have no-no-no plans. No money down, no interest and no payments for X number of months. After that they charge interest. Try to pay it off before the interest rate kicks in if the rate is too high for your comfort.
Yeah you want to find somewhere that has 0% interest for the first 12 to 16 months. If you go to a place that has interest then you are bound to pay 30% or more over the total cost.
I have only ever done this once and I would never personally do it again. You have to make sure you read all the fine print and know what you are getting into. I did this for a $1200 furniture set and ended up owing $5000 when everything was all said and done. This was 10 or so years ago.
Only do it if you get a no interest or low interest deal. Some places say no money down, no interest for the first 3 to 6 months. Some places will milk you for a lot of money though so be careful.
Only do it if you get a no interest or low interest deal. Some places say no money down, no interest for the first 3 to 6 months. Some places will milk you for a lot of money though so be careful.

This. I have seen some places go as long as a year with no interest so just work out how much you would have to pay monthly as to not owe them anything.
Most of these places look to make money off of you do keep that in mind. Some will punish you even for paying off their furniture too soon and if you need to return it, they will hit you with a charge for that too.