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Skin Flint

New member
Okay so the Obamacare individual mandate goes away under the Trump tax plan. Does this affect insurance you get from your employer in any way? I just want to make sure I'm prepared for any changes that might come my way.
My insurance is shooting up because it was under Obamacare and who I work for isn't changing it. I will be paying an additional $160 a month starting next month.
There shouldn't be any changes for 2018, the changes from the Trump plan don't take effect until 2019. So if you're seeing increases its all part of what's been going on since Obamacare was started!
There shouldn't be any changes for 2018, the changes from the Trump plan don't take effect until 2019. So if you're seeing increases its all part of what's been going on since Obamacare was started!

Exactly and people are blaming Trump for all of it! I tried explaining this to my mother because she nags me about not having any insurance. Well, learn politics better! haha
Obamacare is a mess. I feel like it was only helpful to people who didn't work and used government funding support and it screwed everyone else over. I am glad it will be fixed come 2019.
It will balance out come 2019. Hopefully it stays that way too. If we get someone else in office in 2020, we may end up in the same boat again. Democrats are horrible with medical stuff like insurance.