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No renters insurance ?


New member
So a friend of mine recently moved into a rental. I believe it is called a duplex home. It is side-by-side. Well, I asked her what kind of insurance she got and she said none. Is this common for house rentals? I never heard of the renter not having at least an option for insurance.
Yeah she needs to get some. If there was ever a fire, the house would be covered by the owner but everything that she owns inside of the house will not be. This is how that works. She pays for her items and the landlord pays for the house to be protected. She can get it pretty cheap. I think some places are as low as $20 a month.
Yeah she needs to get some. If there was ever a fire, the house would be covered by the owner but everything that she owns inside of the house will not be. This is how that works. She pays for her items and the landlord pays for the house to be protected. She can get it pretty cheap. I think some places are as low as $20 a month.

Exactly! You are spot on with this. Her not having coverage means she will lose everything. I am not sure why this was not mentioned to her at all but I guess they assume most people are aware you need to cover your own eggs too.
Yeah she needs to get some. If there was ever a fire, the house would be covered by the owner but everything that she owns inside of the house will not be. This is how that works. She pays for her items and the landlord pays for the house to be protected. She can get it pretty cheap. I think some places are as low as $20 a month.

Oh wow I had no idea! I am glad I asked. I will make sure I tell you tomorrow. I thought that if the house was covered, everything was.