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Is the general US debt going down?


New member
I heard from someone that is was and I can't find any information on it. It seems like we are in worse debt now based on new sources but I can't trust them because they are being heavily biased against Trump because they can't stand him. Anyone know what is going on with the general country's debt?
I think that some of it has but not for day to day people. It seems to be getting worse if anything. People just don't spend their money wisely and are not taught to.
Debt started going down when the "great recession" started, people wised up and started learning to tighten their belts. Unfortunately, the lessons learned have stuck and I've read that personal debt has started going up again. Housing prices are rising too fast again, it seems people haven't gotten it through their skulls what we just came out of!
It depends on who you talk to. Some people say that debts are going down while others are saying they are getting much worse.
From what I have read and see, it depends on what kind of debt. National debt, sure that has gone done but individual debt still seems to be an issue. There are a lot of people stilling filing for bankruptcy.
I think overall it has improved but it is still a big issue considering the average American is 15k in debt I think I read.

Yeah I read it was closer to 20K though and this has a lot to do with college debt. I think prices need to come down for some classes. Obviously, paying more to be a doctor is understandable but to get a degree in financing? That should cost nearly as much!
We have it tougher here in the USA, medical costs take such a large portion of our income. I think its long been out of control.