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Is medical debt an issue?

Goal Setter

New member
I am beginning to think that the entire country has an issue with medical debts. Most of my family, friends, ect seem to have some kind of medical debt that is either being paid off or has just been left because they can't afford to pay it at all. I thought Obama did things to fix this problem but it only seems to be worse than it was just 5 years ago.
I would say it is part of the issue itself really. A lot of people have debts from medical, credit, housing, ect and it is just not good for the country. More and more people are ending up broke.
Almost everyone I know as well has debt but most are okay with medical things since they have decent insurance. I guess that is the depending factor here.
It depends on how you look at it. A lot of people who have medical debt just ignore it. That is why that whole Obama thing was introduced. That back fired because it screwed working middle class over and made them pay more for insurance so a lot of people ended up dropping it and not having any which only increased the medical debt even more.
I would say it is part of the issue itself really. A lot of people have debts from medical, credit, housing, ect and it is just not good for the country. More and more people are ending up broke.

This. There is a huge issue with money right now in general and it isn't just medical debts. I think it certainly adds to it but over all, I think people tend to have more of a spending debt issue.
With insurance going up it will likely only get worse. A lot of people can't afford anything at all and when they need to go to the hospital or to see a doctor they opt for "pay as you go" plans if they are optional.