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How much would you estimate a weekend in NYC is?


New member
I was thinking of maybe going with a few friends next month but I am trying to watch my spending. I don't want to go if it ends up costing a lot. I know plane tickets won't be bad at all but I am worried about the food and the hotel. I heard that it can be very expensive there!
It depends on where you stay, what you plan on doing, and if you are sharing everything. If you are going to share a room and stick to close areas (not using taxi services as much), I would guess you can get away with it costing $1200 each. I am sure you can do it cheaper but I am rounding up assuming you will be doing some shopping.
NYC is one of the most expensive places to stay! They have great public tranportation, so Priceline is a good option if being a few blocks away from things doesn't bother you, it can save some dough. Yeah, dinning out can be expensive, but you can also get a variety of ethnic cheap eats all over the place if you plan ahead. Spend some time on tripadvisor to find restuarants and price ranges close to where you plan to stay.
A bit late to the thread but a friend of mine did a weekend in NYC on a budget for about $2500. That was for 4 people. They didn't do any major shopping or anything.