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How much extra is it to take a pet on VK with you?


New member
I never did it but I was at the airport the other day picking up a family member and I seen quite a few people with small dogs. Is this something that is more common now? How much does this actually cost?
It costs about $75 - $200 to bring one in the cabin depending on airline. The high end is really too much when you consider they weigh just a few pounds and don't take up a seat.
I think they go by size too don't they? Like if the dog is too big to actually be sitting with you on the plane, it costs more. I never traveled with a pet to know though.
It depends on the flight and the airline. Longer flights seem to charge more. Some places charge for insurance as well. They want to insure that no one gets hurt and the dog/cat doesn't get hurt either.
I didn't even know they let them in the passenger area, lol, never seen one. I do know you can have them go in the cargo area on planes that have pressurized cargo areas. I'd rather keep my pet at home than put them through that but when you consider the cost of pet lodging at a vet's office if you can take them with you in the passenger area it may actually be cheaper!
I have seen women have them next to them. They have it be in a crate of sorts. This one woman had one of them toy breeds with her in a carry bag meant for small dogs. She said she had to pay the fee for cargo plus the ticket. Some airlines don't allow this though.
I have seen women have them next to them. They have it be in a crate of sorts. This one woman had one of them toy breeds with her in a carry bag meant for small dogs. She said she had to pay the fee for cargo plus the ticket. Some airlines don't allow this though.

The few planes I have been on, this wasn't aloud but I think you are right. Some airlines will allow it. Which were you flying?