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How do you know a credit card i completely closed?


New member
My sister paid off a credit card late last year and she was under the assumption it had been closed so she cut the card up and through it out. When she was placing an order online, she accidentally clicked on her old information and the order went through. So the card is still active. Is there a way of knowing it is completely closed down 100%?
Unless you need to close it for fear of temptation to use it... You should keep it open. When you close accts it will often hurt your credit score.
I think when you pay off a card you have to request it to be closed. Some close right away and others stay open until the end of the year they are active in.
I think when you pay off a card you have to request it to be closed. Some close right away and others stay open until the end of the year they are active in.

Yup this is what I had to do. I closed all card but 2. One I use month for small thing and the other I have as a back up for emergencies and to keep my scores higher. I have to pay $50 annually but I am fine with that.