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How do people get the most back?


New member
Every year at the beginning of the year, I see commercials for people saying "We get you __% more back!". I know it is not anywhere near tax season yet but I seen one of these ads on an old blog post and it made me wonder about it.

Does anyone know how they do this?
I really couldn't tell you but I am wondering this myself. I am guessing it has to do with finding loopholes. You have to consider they know about a trick to getting more money for you, thus earning money themselves.
I really couldn't tell you but I am wondering this myself. I am guessing it has to do with finding loopholes. You have to consider they know about a trick to getting more money for you, thus earning money themselves.

I am going to have to research it I guess. I thought I would ask on here in case anyone knew. I really can't figure it out but I guess loopholes would make sense.
The tax system has become so complex that it all depends on how comprehensive their software is. A person can't possibly know all the tax breaks, credits and deductions available, so they depend on their tax software.
The tax system has become so complex that it all depends on how comprehensive their software is. A person can't possibly know all the tax breaks, credits and deductions available, so they depend on their tax software.

What software do you think is the best in this case? I had no idea it was down to software! Oh how far we've come. lol
I read a book on this, it wasn't long.. I will have to find the title to give you.

Anyways, it said that there are always new ways to get more. It is kind of like hacking a video game. The government will fix the "holes" and people find ways around them to get more of their money back.