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Good paying jobs which only require a 2 year degree

Penny Pincher

New member
I was combing through the Bureau of Labor Statistics web site because I'm strongly considering getting a 2 year degree at one of the local community colleges, and was very surprised by how much some of them pay. There's a surprising range of industries too.


Considering a two year degree should run under $5000 I'm more motivated than ever to go back to school this fall.
Hmmmm.... some of those look interesting. I'm not considering a career change right now but its something to keep in mind for the future. Thanks.
I'm going to be a wet blanket and say some of those are high stress jobs with a lot of people not lasting long. So they pay high to try to get and keep employees. There's no way I'd be an air traffic controller, no matter how much you paid me!
I have to agree with that ^

There is a reason these jobs are easy to get and don't require much. Not many people want to do them.
Dental hygienists... that is not a job I would want! Ever notice how the dentist has their hygienist do the nasty teeth cleaning, then they come in afterwards for a quick check? There's a reason for that!!!!

There are a few jobs on the list which look decent and aren't high stress, but I'd say not even half of them are like that. That's not to say that one of the stressful jobs might not be okay short term as a stepping stone to something better as you climb up the career ladder, but some are dead ends (like dental hygienists).