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Anyone here into gardening? I've been trying to grow veggies since spring, going the organic route. Honestly I'm not doing too great. They grow, but not as good as when I used Miracle Grow. What's a good natural fertilizer that's going to give results as good?
I'm a little late to this but...I haven't checked the site in a while! Are you growing indoors or outdoors? I've set up a few pots on the balcony of my apartment. Nothing fancy so far but I'm finding it to be a fun hobby. Checking on them / watching them grow etc. Mostly just herbs etc so far. You should see the smile on my face every time I'm able to pick some parsley and throw it on top of a dish...

As for fertilisers, you could try giving some of the home made ones a go. Manure teas etc are really cool. I've made a few and while they don't smell *great* they're super easy to make.
I don't have a garden myself, but my wife does and I help out. One of the things we do is maintain a compost pile. You can't expect instant results from it. Put eggshells in the pile, the calcium is good for plants. Also any fruit and vegatable waste from the kitchen, grass clippings and so on. Do not put meat in it. Turn it every month or so. Over time it turns into extremely rich compost you can spread in the garden. It's too late for this time of year to use it, but if you start now you'll have great natural fertilizer next year.
You may want to check out some of the organic gardening forums and facebook groups. There's a wealth of information out there. You can actually have better results with it over using chemicals but it will take more work.