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Extreme Cheapskates


New member
Anyone ever watch this show on TLC? I started seeing clips recommended to me on YouTube and I am baffled!

The lengths some of these people go to save money amazes and shocks me.
Sharing floss is just ALL kinds of wrong! Also using newspaper on your privates, specially for women, is a BAD idea. That ink is not meant to be used down there. It is TOXIC!
These kinds of people take things too far. I have watched some of these episodes before but I couldn't get into it because I would get mad. lol I did always enjoy watching that hoarders show though. Made me clean my house extra special haha
I had a friend growing up who's parents were like some of these people on this show. It was bad. He actually used to get made fun of because of it. His parents would save literally everything. They only needed to take their garbage out to get picked up once a week. It always smelled bad in his house too.
These kinds of people take things too far. I have watched some of these episodes before but I couldn't get into it because I would get mad. lol I did always enjoy watching that hoarders show though. Made me clean my house extra special haha

Same here, I loved and hated that show. I always felt super dirty after watching it. I guess I feel the same way about Extreme Cheapskates but I would rather watch the other.
I never watched this show but I have heard of it. Just looking at the clip in the OP scares me. haha

I mean I know we can be cheap at times but these people really put a whole new meaning to it!
The show reminds me of extreme hoarders, because I think some of these people have bad obsessive compulsive disorders when it comes to savings. There is a point where you go too far, like trying to save $1 over the course of a year and putting yourself through way too much inconvenience for it.
I consider myself frugal. I save where it makes sense, and spend when it makes sense. There's value to not only my time, but also in my enjoyment of life. I don't stress over savings, the people on that show aren't like that. Honestly they seem a bit miserable.
I actually used to love this show but for the wrong reasons. These people made me feel normal and I honestly laughed at them. Thinking about it though and like Ken mentioned, it is likely down to a disorder and I do feel bad for it now.

I have an issue with the breast milk thing. You don't know what those women eat or what they do with their bodies. It can be toxic...