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Does social media help you be more frugal?


New member
I noticed that there are a lot of ads these days online and more specifically, on social media. Much of which are geared to appeal to people on a more personal level. With that being said, does social media help you be more frugal by showing you deals or is it a catch 21 because you end up spending more money in general than you would online?
I don't use it enough to know. I go on Facebook maybe 3 or 4 times a month. I would imagine people use use it at least a few times a week would notice.
I did see some deals pop up for me that I would not have normally seen which is helpful. My ads tend to show sales and deals from stores I frequently shop at online.
The only thing I use Facebook for is keeping in touch with family so my answer is no it doesn't help me save money.
I don't think social media has had any impact on how much I spend. I don't have accounts with Insta, FB, or Twitter.

I use the internet mainly for interacting on forums, for work, and for leisure.

I don't buy anything off the internet, however. I just can't bring myself to do it.