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Do you think taxes will see a major change during Trumps 4 years?


New member
A lot of people are thinking there will be a drop in the amount we get taxed and an increase in what we get back, or one or the other. I am not sure as of now. I am not much into politics myself. What are your thoughts?
The GOP has hard a very hard time getting united, too many of them are cowards, and can't seem to get anything major passed. I lost faith in the Democrats a long time ago, and have since lost faith in Republicans.
The GOP has hard a very hard time getting united, too many of them are cowards, and can't seem to get anything major passed. I lost faith in the Democrats a long time ago, and have since lost faith in Republicans.

We need an honest Libertarian in office but that will never happen. Everyone always goes republican or democrat and both are equally corrupt and keep their tails between their legs.
It is funny because if you look back on history, the worse of the the two parties was always the Democrats. They wanted to keep slavery and they even founded the KKK. Abe was a Republican too. I grew up thinking they were all scum and always said I was a Democrat but I have since changed mt tune. As for Trump, he has already cut costs and saved us thousands in other areas.
I wish we could get a Libertarian in office, but it seems the two major parties have rigged the system. Its hard for them to get into national debates and on the state ballots.

The Democrats took the black vote since Kennedy. When Martin Luther was jailed during the Nixon vs Kennedy presidential race both candidates called him, but Kennedy was able to work out getting him out before Nixon could. Kennedy came out looking like a champ for racial relations, despite the racist Dixiecrats!
I wish we could get a Libertarian in office, but it seems the two major parties have rigged the system. Its hard for them to get into national debates and on the state ballots.

The Democrats took the black vote since Kennedy. When Martin Luther was jailed during the Nixon vs Kennedy presidential race both candidates called him, but Kennedy was able to work out getting him out before Nixon could. Kennedy came out looking like a champ for racial relations, despite the racist Dixiecrats!

I completely forgot about this. It is a shame that black Americans don't even see that. Democrats are the racist ones who want to keep them feeding off the government so they can't have a fair chance at a good life. They just like to use the old south to say Republicans are racist. It is such a mess here. I didn't even vote. I couldn't vote for Trump or Hillary and I knew my vote would be lost with the wind otherwise.
Well someone I know might be facing an 8% increase on their home loan thanks to what he is doing so yeah, numbers are changing for sure!
Its looking more and more like they will get tax reform done before the end of the year. Right now its no longer a matter of if they have the will do to it, rather its a matter of the details of the plan. They'll work it out.