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Do you have life insurance?


New member
I don't have it and I am wondering who does on here and what age do you think one should have it?
I know it seems to be the thing to do when you have a wife/husband and kids. So if something happens, they are covered for. I am just not sure at what point you are expected to get it. Is it better to get it younger?
I do not but I have considered getting it when I am 40. I think that is a good age to have it. I do have some friends who are younger and have had it for a few years now but they have big families and what not.
If you don't have someone depending on your income, like a spouse or child, then there's no need to life insurance. Simply get a funeral policy. If you do have someone depending on your income, get a policy that's large enough to replace your income.
No I don't but I will eventually. I don't think it is something I should worry about right now. Even so, a lot of people are having to save for their own retirement. A lot of places can't afford to pay for people anymore.
I actually have a funeral policy but not life insurance. I am glad to see someone else who has mentioned it. Too many people don't even consider it.