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Is there such a thing as insurance discounts?

Like for people at a certain age, married, with kids, home owner vs renter, and so on?
I heard they take everything into consideration. Married people tend to live longer and are healthier, probably because they have someone who can help care for them when they have the flu etc. I was told the best way to get discounts is to go to the local insurance agent, and they will go through everything to find you all the discounts you might qualify for.
Thanks guys. I didn't consider any of that. I am going to look into the options in my area. Should I call the city for anything in particular? I know my area provides free recycle bins which I got when I moved here and I only just recently found out you can request a plow to come to your driveway once a week if you are stuck.
I have not heard of any in many years. I know some companies used to do this at one point but those days seem to be long gone.

Same here. Maybe if you find local places, they seem to be more inclined to help customers out because they need the business.
Shop around and ask. Smaller ma and pa companies are more inclined to give you incentives to stay where as the bigger ones tend to offer cheaper rates with not benefits to staying loyal.
A lot of companies show no loyalty with a discount for new customers and then bump it up at renewal.

Regulations in the UK now say insurers have to be transparent as to what customers paid last year.

Brokers and companies who have commission to add to their charges for their own profit will have some leeway with the cream they earn on the top.

The size of the premium depends on the amount they will knock off if challenged.

Just ask and say you've been quoted cheaper but don't go too low. They will never ask you to produce evidence of the alternative quote, but they may call your bluff if you're unrealistic.

It's like playing poker.

It's worth you haggling otherwise, as previously stated, they rely on those who just pay the premium and cream the commission from this.

Their lowest quote will make them about £2 or maybe even a loss to keep the customer.

Do your research online and go back to them.