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Did you travel at all for Thanksgiving?


New member
If you did, how were the prices?

Be it gas, plane ticket costs, or hotel stays. I am just curious because a family member of ours was boasting about how much he saved this year and he was coming from quire a ways away.
No way no how! I don't deal well with traffic too much makes me anxious and puts me a in a bad mood. I've traveled before during Thanksgiving and probably will again, but sometimes it's nice to just stay home and relax. :)
NOPE! I never travel anywhere this time of year. Most of my family live within 2 hours of here so it isn't a big deal to drive but none of us have to fly.
I haven't traveled for Thanksgiving ever. I guess because my family has always lived close together, it just never was a thing. Some of my family leave the state for vacations but most stay around.
I traveled to eat with family but it was only about an hour away. Does that count? I'm glad it's not further, holidays can be stressful and a long trip increases the stress for me because there's so much traffic around Thanksgiving.
I drove out as well. Wasn't too far, about 40 minutes. Was still a pain because of the drive back. Took me over an hour to get home because the way I went had been closed off and I was forced to go out of my way.
Yes... from my bed to my kitchen and then back to my bed. LOL! I stayed home this year and cooked for a small gathering. Normally I go out of my way (6 hour drive) and spend the weekend with family but work needed me to stay put.