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Christmas this year, frugal or not?

I wouldn't say I'm having a frugal Christmas, but I'm not being extravagant either. I have a list, will try to find the best deal for each item but won't let it worry me. This past year has been good, I'm spending a bit more but not too much.
I finished all my Christmas shopping this past weekend. I bought nice gifts for everyone on my list and managed to buy most of it at a discount. 95% of it was from Amazon and I used camelcamelcamel.com to find out if it truly was on sale before I bought it. I spent about $600 give or take.
We spent about $1000 this year. Its not a small amount, not a huge amount either, and very reasonable for our income and budget. It seems like every year we actually spend less. The older we get the more we already have the things we want!