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Can walking help knees?


New member
I have been getting knee pains for the last few weeks here and it seems like the less I walk or move, the worse they get.

Should I try walking and see if that helps? I know I need to just get them checked out but I haven't had time to schedule in an appointment yet.
I know exercise helps prevent joint problems like arthrtis, but if there's already a problem you probably want to get them checked out because you don't know what the problem is. You might make it better.... but I'd worry you might make it worse. If it's something minor usually some relaxants and a steriod shot will take care of it.
Yeah I would get them looked at. You can probably get in with a chiropractor that can get them looked at for you right away. It sounds like it may be related to circulation issues which would explain why it hurts more the less you bend them or use them.
I had issues with my knees a few years ago, a lot like what you are saying and it was from kneeling on a hard surface and popping them out of place. I know it sounds simple and silly but that can be the case for you.
Regular exercise can help them, so long as you keep them from shock with good padded shoes. Its like back pain, many doctors recommend exercising your back because the strengthened muscles help take weight off the joints.