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Article: End-of-Life Planning

So many people overlook this! It especially important if you have a spouse, and doubly so if you have kids! I think a good way of handling it is to set up a goal sheet, where you tackle one of these on a check list every month until its all done.
Yeah, this stuff is pretty important. In a way, it might be comforting to your dependents to talk these things over too. At least they won't be in the dark if something happens, and if that day comes (heaven forbid) they'll probably handle it better emotionally too.
A friend of mine got into a real bind when his mother passed away. It tore him up having to make the decision to shutdown life support. He had been trying to get her for 10 years to make a decision about POA, a living willing, advanced directive, but apparently she was too terrified of facing her own mortality. Its really sad when things like that happen, because whether or not it scares you we're all going to die.