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Article: Don't Let Saving Get In The Way Of Thriving

Ken Payne

Staff member
So truly. I've been in situations where I spend two hours online looking for the best deal only to save $5, then think to myself how cost ineffective it was!
There is a HUGE amount of wisdom in this article. One of the most difficult lessons to learn is that my time is an asset, and the value of that asset should be weighed against the dollar price tag of the savings in something I buy.
I've seen this sort of thing more than once with some of the suggestions over in the forums. I admit sometimes I might do it too! But I try not to, it's all about balance.
We can't afford to become trapped in the mindset that saving is the only option we have for getting ahead. If we do, we could be robbing ourselves of some wonderful opportunities. After all,he ability to save is finite, but the ability to earn is unlimited.