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Amazon $15/hour minimum wage


New member
It looks like the booming economy is starting to help wages more. Walmart and Target both increased their minimum wages last year because it was getting harder to find quality employees. Today Amazon announced they are going to implement a $15 an hour minimum wage for all employees, and those already making $15 or near it will get raises.

I've heard that the tech fields have been seeing a lot of increases in wages too, so this bodes well for the overall job market. I'm not a Trump fan, but I do like his economic policies and I can't argue with the results.
That's not the whole story though! Amazon also dropped their monthly performance bonuses and stock options, so they probably make about the same.
They announced today they are giving anyone who was making over $15 an hour an even larger raise than before to more than make up for any loss they might have had with bonuses.
There will always be someone to complain. Get out of warehouse work, it's not a long career and will always keep a person near the bottom rung. Only a few will ever be able to move into management.