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Alliance mail order prescriptions


New member
Alliance mail order prescriptions is a part of the Walgreens drug store chain. My insurance company offers discounted prescription drug rates through them. You have to order 90 day prescriptions, which I'm okay with, and plan ahead since it takes up to 10 days according to them to get your prescription.

I've been using a local drug store for a long time. Its independent and not part of a chain store. I've been very happy for years, they know me by name, call me immediately with any issues and will call my doctors if they have questions for them about the prescription. Very proactive and friendly people!

When I found out I could save about $35 on my three prescriptions by going through Alliance, I decided to give them a try. I send them the prescriptions.

They wait four days to call me back to say they have a question about possible drug interactions between two of them. They ask me to ask my doctor, and have him call them, when they already have his number! So I have to wait until the next day to call him, and he calls them towards the end of the day when he's not seeing patients, and gets its taken care of. I'm now 6 days into this, and I ordered these with 15 days before I run out because they said 10 days tops.

5 more days go by - now day 11, and they finally ship them! Two days later I check online and it shows another 5 days before the package is due to arrive, so they will be late. That day I get a call from them and they tell me they only shipped two of the prescriptions. The 3rd is on back order for another month!

So I had to call my doctor, get temporary 1 week prescriptions for two of them, and a 6 week prescription on the other. These cost me $40! Now I've saved nothing and wasted my time with this stupid company.

I will never do business with them again, its not worth saving about $12 every month for this kind of hassle. I'd rather pay a little more and do business with the local people who care!
I heard about sites like this ripping people off. I hope something is able to be done about this. Thanks for sharing your experience. I will be sure to pass it on!
I've dealt with them. They aren't small either its connected with Blue Cross insurance and Walgreens, both giants. That is the problem honestly you're just a number to them. When everything works its great when it doesn't the customer service is horrible. I stopped using them because of this and get my drugs at the Kroger grocery store pharmacy.
This is what happens when a company or establish meant goes corporate and grows. The little people like us get screwed out of money.
Wow how horrible! I never heard of this place but I am glad you mentioned it here. So many companies thing they can screw people over and not pay the cost of it.
Anything to scam people out of money. It is bad enough the whole pharmaceutical industry is scam. Why would they want any of us getting better? They'd lose money. They want use to "feel" good enough to rely on pills for the rest of our lives.